
New Forum

New Forum : Up and running ๐Ÿ™‚

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I’m trying to put together a forum to share some ideas, projects, etc…
Want to participate?
Hope to see you there!


Real or fictional skins Poll result

Im impressed!84 votes! Thanks guys!

The results:
Real skins : 48 (57%)
Fictional skins : 7 (8%)
Both : 29 (34%)
The result speaks for itself.I will try to do more real skins!
Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

NAGT : rFactor

NAGT for rFactor : Iยดve been reading a lot of negatives reviews of this mod, but I like it a lot!

The only downside are some cockpits!Take the Volvo or the Caddi for a ride and have a blast!

Poll Results

And the winner is… Touring Cars!!!
Thanks everyone (9) who help me choose which car to paint!
Only two left comments thought ๐Ÿ™
Apart from BTWC now I must choose witch model of Touring Cars I paint next.
Thanks again Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚


Could you help me , choose which car that I must paint next?

PS:If you vote, please leave a comment (what model)

My latest creation

No, itยดs not a race car skin… ๐Ÿ™‚
My baby girl (third child) born on 01.01.08
I wish you all the best my love!

PS: Her name, is a queen name : INรŠS

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